The Organic Royal Black Rice
Are you wondering about a Rice dressed in Royal Black? Yeah! It is. We call it #BlackRice. Black rice is a group of Oryza sativa rice variants that is sometimes referred to as purple rice, emperor's rice, or forbidden rice. The antioxidant-rich pigment anthocyanin is what gives black rice its deep purple colour. Do you know why it was called “Forbidden”? In Chinese tradition, Black Rice was Forbidden to serve only the Royal and Wealthy people to ensure their long life. But in time, it has been changed to be used by everyone. And #MyNeibo ensures life by reserving the Royalty to their customers as easily as they can get it in a few clicks. This vibrant black rice has a number of health advantages. The dark tone of the grain makes it particularly obvious. Likely uses of Black Rice help with Diabetes, Oxidative stress, Heart disease, stomach-related issues, and more. Black rice is good for a variety of nutrients, is high in antioxidants, improves heart health, has anti-cancer qualit...